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Home  >  Latest News  > Impact of 2022 heatwave on Nottingham residents

Impact of 2022 heatwave on Nottingham residents

A new study carried out by the University of Nottingham has revealed how Nottingham residents were impacted by the heatwave of July 2022, when we experienced the hottest temperate ever recorded in the UK of 40.3°C. 


The study was conducted in partnership with Nottingham City Council, and aimed to better understand people's experiences of living through the heatwave in order to inform the response to future similar events. This is important as the impact of climate change means that the frequency and intensity of heatwaves is likely to increase, so public bodies need to know how to best respond in order to protect residents. 

The study involved surveying and interviewing Nottingham residents from a range of locations around the city and socio-economic backgrounds. The findings showed that 71% of participants reported that the heatwave impacted their physical health, and that one third of participants said the temperatures affected their ability to work.



There were many examples of the community coming together to support each other, where neighbours supported others more in need. Neighbourhoods in Nottingham are particularly vulnerable to heatwaves, and the city ranks 5th out of 156 local authorities whose neighbourhoods need to be better adapted to hot weather conditions.

The report outlines recommendations for improving preparedness for heatwaves, particularly around protecting disadvantaged workers from being forced to take unpaid time off during heatwaves, and ensuring that health advice reaches the most vulnerable groups. 

You can read more about the report on the University of Nottingham website:

News - Community spirit fired up during heatwave – report shows impact of 2022 heatwave on Nottingham residents - University of Nottingham