Why it matters
Drinking water makes up a tiny fraction of water used in the UK – using kitchen appliances, having a shower, and flushing the toilet all counts towards our daily water use. And all of that water has a carbon footprint.
Getting water to properties and treating sewage uses energy as it pumped around the system. Reducing water consumption across Nottingham is an important part of our carbon reduction plans.
What we’re doing
The council gained a Water Self-supply Licence in 2019 which allows us to purchase water directly from our wholesaler Severn Trent Water. This license allows us to monitor all our properties consumption, detect leaks and resolve swiftly, and ensure we are only being billed for what we use.
Alongside the licence, we share tips and advice to help citizens and businesses to reduce how much water they’re using alongside leak detection activities carried out. If you spot a leak in Nottinghamshire or the wider Severn Trent Water area, please use the online form to report at stwater.co.uk/reportaleak or telephone the Leakline number on 0800 783 4444.
In addition, the City Council is implementing water efficiency measures via Water Efficiency Loan Scheme. We have introduced measures at our HQ site Loxley House and are putting together a pipeline of projects to aid our leisure centres and other properties reduce water with high efficiency showers, taps, and toilets.
What can you do?
There is a range of things we can do to reduce our water consumption. These include:
- Make sure appliances are full before running them and use an eco setting where you can
- Only boil water for the amount you need, not a full kettle – this saves energy too
- If you have a garden, use a bowl or water butt to gather rainwater and use it to water your plants
- Use flush reduction tools (green buttons on toilets) where available to reduce water flow
- Ensure all taps and showers are fully switched off after use
- Take a shorter shower – we recommend 4 minutes
- Switch the tap off when brushing your teeth
- Use a bowl to wash dishes at the end of the day
Severn Trent Water have a wealth of information and advice surrounding water saving tips and addressing water quality issues. For more information, please visit www.stwater.co.uk.